Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Here I go again...

After being bullied and badgered (ok, mostly just harassed) and being completely UNsuccessful in finding my password information for my old ("dead," as Reese refers to it) blog, I'm STARTING again. Maybe Jim's furious rate of bloggage will inspire me to keep up with things this time, or maybe my fascination (ok, ok...it's an addiction...I'll admit it...) with Facebook will inspire me to keep more on top of things. Whatever.

Here I go again...


Marisa said...

Yay! You're back!

Bloggage sounds like something that can either be cured by Drano or checked at the airport.

Annie said...

A blog? Ooh, goody.... nice to know you have one :D

Marisa said...

alright missy, get to bloggin'.

Kelsie-lou said...

JIM. You are a loohooser...you bugged me and bugged me about this...and now you didn't even comment. Bah. :)

Reesie, I likes me some bloggage :)

Annie...I used to have one, but I lost the password. Don't worry, it wasn't very interesting anyways. You didn't miss much.

Jim Thomsen said...

Sorry, I somehow missed the link you posted earlier.

Good to have you back in the blogging game. I think you'll find this is just as addictive and fun — if not more — than Facebook. Because you're totally in control of it.

I like the backdrop you chose, too. Makes me kinda wish I'd done that.

I'll give you some "link love" on my blog.

Kelsie-lou said...

Yay! Thanks! I feel like it's kind of pointless if I'm gonna do all this and have no one read it!

DC said...

I used to have a blog on MSN, but no one read it. OOps..sorry Teri, you left a response ONCE! Now I am just REALLY upset that I went to the trouble to make a wedding website months ago for those telephone challenged friends and family members and we have only had 4 people sign our guest book! We might be facebook addicts but at least we stay in touch :)