Monday, July 16, 2007

And here I thought I'd have nothing to blog about.

I hope you like reading about renovations, cuz I think that's what will be consuming my life for the next little while. Even as I'm typing, the floor is shaking from whatever Aaron is ripping apart downstairs.

We went to the bank and got the money (borrowed) to do what we need to do. Here we go!


Jim Thomsen said...

Yowch. How long do you two figure the work will take?

If it's still going on when I'm there at this time next month, by all means put me to work.

Kelsie-lou said...

We really have no idea. You might want to bring your work gloves, though :)

Marisa said...

I'll send you a hammer.

Kelsie-lou said...

Only if you come with it.

Did you get your package in the mail yet?